1970年代传奇摇滚乐手丹尼柯林斯(阿尔·帕西诺 Al Pacino 饰)在经历人生低潮时,由经纪人(克里斯托弗·普卢默 Christopher Plummer 饰)发现了一封40年来从未送达的信,这封信居然是来自披头士主唱约翰·列侬在40年前写给当时19岁的他,这让他 再度受到启发,毅然决然地离开现在奢华的生活,踏上寻找生命意义的旅程,而他也在这段旅程中收获了真爱和消失已久的创作灵感
The movie follows Fela Blackburn, whose life is shattered when she loses her husband, Rodney Blackburn, at the hands of a police officer. Determined to get to the bottom of the incident and seek justice, she leans on her best friend, Marley Wells, who is